Below is a list of songs with lyrics I have fully or partially written to share as examples.
All song titles below are clickable links that will lead to the song's page on Bandcamp, where lyrics are displayed there.
Disclaimer: These songs are created under my own name, ValeStorm Studios, Supernova Revival, or Poisonous Myth. Depending on the song, some or all rights of lyrical composition are mine.
Liv & Learn
solo writer
ValeStorm Studios*
solo writer
Assisting writer
Poisonous Myth
Assisting writer
Solo Writer
Let Me Fly
Memento Mori
Supernova Revival
Assisting writer
* All ValeStorm songs listed above also have vocal melodies that were arranged by me.
Note: The following bundles do not include writing an accompanying vocal melody. Please read the text below each bundle for pricing options.
Assisting writer
As an assisting writer, I will be sharing my feedback on your current draft of lyrics and making minor adjustments to your lyrics, such as small phrase replacements, syllable adjustments, etc.
I will be making small changes to your lyrics. I will offer unlimited adjustments until you are satisfied with the final product.
partial lyric adjustments
I will be doing individual sections in this bundle. For an all-lyrics bundle, please refer to "Full Lyric Adjustment".
Verse - $5 per verse
Chorus - $10
Bridge - $5
Full lyric adjustments
Pricing for this bundle depends on the amount of lyrics, complexity, and song length.
The price below applies to the V-C-V-C-B-C structure and is subject to change.
Starting at $20
Note: Prices above only include lyrics without an accompanying melody. I can add a vocal melody to lyrics I am assisting on for an additional $5.
As a co-writer, I will be assisting in writing lyrics for your song, whether they were already started or not. I will be creating lyrics back to back with you and/or any other involved writers.
I will be replacing or creating some new lyrics or critiquing and adjusting already-existing lyrics. I will offer unlimited adjustments until you are satisfied with the final product.
Please credit me as co-writer in the credits of your song, whether uploaded on YouTube or music stores. If distributed on music stores, I can accept royalty splits through Distrokid, Soundrop, or TooLost.
partial co-write
I will be doing individual sections in this bundle. For an all-lyrics bundle, please refer to "Full Co-Write".
Verse - $10 per verse
Chorus - $15
Bridge - $10
Full co-write
Pricing for this bundle depends on the amount of lyrics, complexity, and song length.
The price below applies to the V-C-V-C-B-C structure and is subject to change.
Starting at $35
Note: Prices above only include lyrics without an accompanying melody. I can add a vocal melody to co-written lyrics for an additional $10.
solo writer
As a solo writer, I will be writing lyrics to your song without additional writers involved. As long as you have a solid description and idea of your song theme, I can work with that to write your lyrics.
I will be writing partial or full lyrics from scratch. I will offer unlimited adjustments until you are satisfied with the final product.
Please credit me as songwriter in the credits of your song, whether uploaded on YouTube or music stores. If distributed on music stores, I can accept royalty splits through Distrokid, Soundrop, or TooLost.
partial write
I will be doing individual sections in this bundle. For an all-lyrics bundle, please refer to "Full Write".
Verse - $20 per verse
Chorus - $25
Bridge - $20
Full write
Pricing for this bundle depends on the amount of lyrics, complexity, and song length.
The price below applies to the V-C-V-C-B-C structure and is subject to change.
Starting at $65
Note: Prices above only include lyrics without an accompanying melody. I can add a vocal melody to solo-written lyrics for an additional $20.
when contacting me for this service, Please include:
The general topic of the intended lyrics, being as specific as possible
Intended structure of your lyrics and what parts you would like me to write (how many verses, pre-choruses, choruses, bridges? Am I doing a full set of lyrics or only one part?)
Possible deadlines, due dates, etc.
If any other writers will be involved in writing your lyrics
Prices range from $5-$55. Depending on how much is desired to be written by me and the bundle chosen, the price may increase accordingly.